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High strength Green PET strapping band
  • High strength Green PET strapping band
  • High strength Green PET strapping band
  • High strength Green PET strapping band

High strength Green PET strapping band

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Dongguan Yalan packing materials Co., LTD.
Dongguan Yalan packing materials Co., LTD.
China - Dongguan
Manufacturing and trade
Trade Capacity
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Accepted Delivery Terms
101-200 people
Accepted Payment Currency
Average Lead Time
20 Day(s)
Product Specifications
Manual Packing
Product Description
Pet strapping given the higher durability of polyester(PET)the cost of packing cargoes with it is 20%-30% strapping.In addition,PET strapping weighs 7 times less than steel strapping.For heavy products such strapping is more reliable and cheaper than steel strapping; The load that can be indured by PET strapping is comparable to and even better than that of steel strapping. Polyester does not stain and leaves rust stains on the cargo; Polyester strapping are as durable as steel ones and are much better that the latter in terms of their resistance to dynamic loads and show better performance in the case of deformation and change in the size of the cargo packed. An important feature for consumers is durability to temperature impact. The cold endurance of Polyester strapping reaches minus 45 – 50 degrees, which allows it to be used for packaging timber materials in winter even in northern regions.

High strength Green PET strapping band from China supplier
High strength Green PET strapping band from China supplier
High strength Green PET strapping band from China supplier
High strength Green PET strapping band from China supplier

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Dongguan Yalan packing materials Co., LTD.
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