The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently stated that the UAE economy is expected to show a strong growth trend in the second half of 2023

2023-08-04    643

According to Emirates News Agency on July 3rd, the IMF pointed out that driven by strong internal economic activities, the UAE's GDP is expected to achieve a growth of 3.6% this year. Based on this foundation, the UAE is expected to achieve positive economic growth. In addition, in its fourth assessment in 2022, the IMF predicted that the UAE's economy is expected to remain on an upward track in 2023, especially benefiting from continued tourism activities and higher capital expenditures.


At a recent press conference in Dubai, the World Bank released the latest Gulf Economic Update (GEU) entitled "The Health and Economic Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in the GCC". It is expected that the UAE's current account balance will rise to 11.7% in 2023 and the public finance will achieve a surplus of 6.2% in 2023.


The World Bank expects that the UAE's real GDP will grow by 2.8% in 2023, as non-oil sectors are expected to achieve a strong growth of 4.8% due to strong internal demand, particularly driven by tourism, real estate, construction, transportation, and manufacturing.


The UAE Central Bank's quarterly economic review matches international confirmation, and it stated that the UAE economy will continue to grow steadily in the first quarter of 2023, reflecting the strong performance of non-oil sectors.

Link: TradeChina

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