Carlos Favaro, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil: The trade between China and Brazil will be more extensive

2023-04-30    662

Carlos Favaro, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil, delivered a speech.  Photo by intern Wang Xiaoyu

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 30th (Fu Yuanyuan, intern Wang Xiaoyu) "I believe that the trade between Brazil and China will be more extensive. Carlos Favaro, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Brazil, attended the meeting held on the 29th. So said at the China-Brazil Business Seminar.

Favaro and a large-scale Brazilian business delegation arrived in Beijing on the 22nd. After Brazilian President Lula postponed his visit to China due to physical reasons, Favaro continued to work in China as planned. He said that the relationship between Brazil and China is currently very good, and with President Lula taking office, the relationship between the two countries will become stronger and indestructible.

According to Favaro, China has agreed to resume Brazilian beef exports to China. "This demonstrates the close and fruitful bilateral relationship between Brazil and China." He also revealed that four more cold-chain meat processing plants in Brazil have obtained export licenses to China. Obtained the qualification to export to China. In addition, two meat processing companies that had previously suspended exports to China due to mad cow disease regained the qualification. He said that currently more than 50 meat cold chain processing companies in Brazil are applying for export licenses to China. "Opportunities are close at hand, and I believe that the trade between Brazil and China will be even broader in the future."

Favaro said that in addition to discussing the deepening of bilateral economic and trade relations during this trip to China, he also had discussions with the Chinese side on issues such as Chinese investment in Pakistan, technological innovation, sustainable development, technology sharing and electronic certification, and diversification of export products. discuss in depth.

According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, the bilateral trade volume between China and Brazil will reach US$171.49 billion in 2022, and China has become Brazil's largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years. Brazil is China's largest source of imports of soybeans, chicken, sugar, etc. Brazil's corn and other important agricultural products have also achieved rapid growth in exports to China.

The seminar was co-hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Investment, the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency, the China-Brazilian Entrepreneurs Council, and the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry. 

Link: TradeChina

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