The achievements of China-Brazil economic and trade cooperation are glorious

2023-08-07    634

China and Brazil are the two largest developing countries in the eastern and western hemispheres respectively. Bilateral relations between the two countries have developed rapidly since the beginning of this century, with economic and trade cooperation being the most outstanding highlight. In 2013, the bilateral trade volume between China and Brazil reached a historical high, exceeding $90 billion, a rapid increase of 13 times compared with 2001. China has become Brazil's largest trading partner, while Brazil is China's tenth largest trading partner and the largest investment destination and second-largest engineering contracting market in Latin America. Brazil is also the only founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the Americas. Experts believe that the rapid development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Brazil is mainly due to the extremely strong complementary nature of the economic structures of the two countries. High-speed economic development in China has brought enormous opportunities for Brazilian mineral and agricultural exports. Currently, China is the largest buyer of Brazilian iron ore and soybeans. Brazil's huge consumption capacity has also provided a market for Chinese industrial products. In early September this year, Brazilian President Michel Temer stated at the Brazil-China Senior Business Seminar held in Shanghai that China is Brazil's most needed partner at this stage and that now is the right time to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. He also introduced a huge infrastructure investment plan for Brazil in the next four years, stating that infrastructure should become the most potential field for China-Brazil economic and trade cooperation. As of 2015, direct investment by Chinese companies in Brazil reached $3.9 billion, mainly in the fields of energy and mineral resources, power transmission, and manufacturing. Over 200 Chinese-funded enterprises have been established in Brazil. Brazil's opening-up of the infrastructure sector has broadened the prospects for Chinese enterprises to invest in Brazil. According to Brazilian officials, the total value of Brazil's infrastructure investment plan is $269 billion, involving many fields such as airports, ports, highways, railways, minerals, and energy. China-Brazil production capacity cooperation is mutually beneficial, providing benefits to both Brazilian industrial upgrading and employment creation, while providing Chinese enterprises with new markets, thus promoting more balanced and sustainable development of China-Brazil economic and trade cooperation.

Link: TradeChina

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