Chinese factory organizes group flight to Poland

2023-09-28    622

"I met many potential sellers and am very satisfied with the exhibition"

Hangzhou Haruna Trading Co., Ltd., a textile company that specializes in socks, stockings, sports shoes and other products, went overseas to participate in the exhibition for the first time. The company’s general manager, Mr. Shan, mentioned in an interview that through this exhibition, he came into contact with many potential people. For the sellers, Miao’s arrangements were also very thoughtful and they were very satisfied with the overall quality of the exhibition.

 "The customer is very satisfied with our products and will come to China to visit our factory in August this year"

Fanyao Textile Technology Co., Ltd., which specializes in various fabrics, received many customers who came to inquire on the first day of operation. The person in charge expressed full recognition of the customer flow at the exhibition.

In an interview, he mentioned: "A customer from Kyrgyzstan came twice in one morning. He specially connected the Chinese-speaking colleagues of their company via video to let us introduce our products in detail. He was very willing to make a deal."

"The customer is very satisfied with my products and said he would come to China to visit our factory in August to further deepen cooperation with us."

"I have made appointments with several customers to come to negotiate, and the chance of closing the order is very high."

Link: TradeChina

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